Hobbiton is one of the “must-see” tourist destinations on New Zealand’s north island. It is every Lord of the Rings fan’s dream come true, and it was one of the most unique locations I visited during my time abroad. This post will take you on a photo tour of Hobbiton, in hopes that it will make your list of places to visit.

Whether you are a “precious” follower of the Lord of the Rings, or have only watched them once before travelling to New Zealand, Hobbiton attracts all types of travelers.

Hobbiton has tours set up that take you from the nearest town’s I-site, out to the countryside via a short bus ride, and straight to the main entrance of The Shire.

The uniqueness of Hobbiton starts right from the start, as the site itself quite randomly pops out of nowhere in the midst of rolling, brilliantly green hills dotted with sheep.

Visitors then meet-up with their extremely knowledgeable tour guide that can answer anything from a fanatic’s detailed question to a novice’s general inquiry about the movies and their plot (I was a member of the latter category!). The tour guide takes the group throughout the Shire, explaining the time line and construction of the sets.

Hobbit holes are strewn throughout the hills, each door painted with the trademark bright colors. All of the props are so life like, you’ll expect to see Frodo and Sam wandering around.
Bilbo Baggin’s hobbit hole is one of the main attractions of the Shire.
Regardless of if you are a fan or not, the set is quite picturesque. The colors are bright and cheery, the grounds are well maintained, and the whole experience is quite surreal. By the time you leave, you will be a newfound fan if you weren’t one already.

After meandering through hobbit holes, the tour ends at the Green Dragon. For those of you that do not know, the Green Dragon is the infamous inn that the characters frequently visit. Here you can sit back by the Party Tree with a ginger beer or a brew that is served at the Green Dragon.

Which way to the Green Dragon?
Hoping that I could buy this Hobbit hole and move in…

Kate Farrell is a TEAN Alum and recent graduate from University of Hartford, she studied abroad in Wellington, New Zealand.